3 Floyds Gumballhead
Rekorderlig Strawberry Lime Cider
Young Blood Don’t Fall In Love With Your Shaman
3 Floyds Gumballhead
Rekorderlig Strawberry Lime Cider
Young Blood Don’t Fall In Love With Your Shaman
Founders All Day Haze
Central Waters Mocha Frappe
Drekker PLOP Pain Killer
Stillmank Paramnesia
Barrel 41 Will You Berry Me?
Sahale Ale Works Coconut Cosmonaut
Third Space One In Four
Public Craft Brewing Improper ESB
Young Blood Sorry For The Racket
Founders Snowbound Vanilla Porter
Founders Nitro Breakfast Stout
Breckenridge Brewery Buddy Pass
Saugatuck Brewing Barrel Aged Neapolitan Milk Stout
Artisanal Brew Works Warheads Extreme Sour Black Cherry
Hinterland Stovepipe
New Glarus Nectar Ale
Crafted Planet Of The Grapes
Noon Whistle Guava Gose Smack
Coronado Brewing Company Core Values
*Special Tapping*
Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Coffee Stout 2022
Alesmith Speedway Stout Tart Cherry
Dogfish Head Mango Smoovie
Ahnapee Upside-down Mechanic
Downeast Cranberry Cider
Bières de Chimay Grande Réserve (Blue)
Delirium Noël
Downeast Cider Blueberry
Boulevard Sugarwood Baklava
Drekker Braaaaaaaains – Mango, Guava, Lime, Coconut
BlackStack Local 755
Untitled Art Prickly Pear and Guava Seltzer
Southern Tier Frosted Sugar Cookie
St. Bernardus Christmas Ale
Prairie Artisan Ales Strawberry Banana Squeeze
Downeast Cider Winter Blend
Untitled Art Blood Orange Pomegranate Seltzer
Ace Pineapple Cider
Founders French Toast Bastard
Modern Times Diamond Drive
3 Floyds Crushing Mass
One Barrel Door County Trolly Red Cherry Lager
Southern Tier Nitro Creme Brûlée Stout
New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve: S’mores
Downeast Cider Donut
Eagle Park Ekto Kooler
Drekker Chonk Pumpkin Spice Latte
Cider Boys Apricot Crush
New Glarus Serendipity
Central Waters Little Dots
3 Sheeps Pumpkin Spice Veneration
Artisan Ales Pumpkin Kerfuffle
Whole Hog Pumpkin
Cigar City Maduro Nitro Brown Ale
Copper State Platinum Blonde Coffee Nitro
Southern Tier Pumking
Hacienda DDH Everything Eventually
Petskull Jack’d Up Lantern
Central Waters Clouds And Cream: Strawberry Rhubarb
Young Blood Black Metal Chewbacca
Deschutes Black Butte Porter
Stella Artois
Hinterland Jamaican Haze
FiftyFifty Eclipse George Dickel 2022
Flying Embers Orange Passion Mimosa Hard Kombucha
Blake’s El Chavo
Left Hand Brewing Pumpkin Spice Latte
Brewing Project Hawaiian Shirt
Hacienda Don’t Go Changing
Drekker/Mikerphone Hi-Fi Nightmare
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer Strawberry Kiwi
The Brewing Projekt Passionberry Peach Puff Tart
Beaver Island Nice’d Hard Tea – Raspberry
Ayinger Celebrator Dopplebock
New Glarus Black Current 22
Other Half Double Dry Hopped Broccoli
Titletown Johnny Blood Red
Central Waters Pretty Fly For A Maple Rye
Founders Dirty Bastard
Founders Mas Agave Clasica Lime
Founders Frootwood
Founders CBS 2017
Founders CBS 2018
Delirium Tremens
Delirium Red
Avery Brewing Co. The Kaiser Imperial Oktoberfest
Untitled Art Mango Drag0n Imperial Smoothie
Goose Island IPA
Untitled Art Mango Pineapple Seltzer
Good City Oktoberfest
Ahnapee Oktoberfest
Wild State Hazy Pink Pineapple Cider
Central Waters Seven Layer Stout
Whole Hog Hazelnut Brownie
Mikephone Check 1, 2
Eagle Park Brewing Company Cherry Coconut Strawberry Slush
Drekker Brewing Company What So Proudly We PRRRT
Downeast Pumpkin Blend Cider
Appleton Beer Factory Oktoberfest
Oliphant Summer Squishy
Sierra Nevada Wild Little Thing
Lion’s Tail Brewing Sauced Juicy IPA
Golden Road Brewing Mango Cart
Drekker Brewing Company Braaaaaaaains – Mango, Orange, Banana
Hinterland Space Breakfast Nitro
DownEast Watermelon Cider
Untitled At Pineapple Papaya Lime Sour
New Glarus Black Currant 22
Copper State Oktoberfest Nitro
Untitled Art Style Pina Colada Smoothie Seltzer
Central Waters Late For Breakfast
Samuel Adams OctoberFest
Great Lakes Oktoberfest
Hinterland Oktoberfest
Stillmank Oktoberfest
Copper State Oktoberfest
Ayinger Oktober Fest-Märzen
Toppling Goliath Oktoberfest
Goose Island Oktoberfest
New Glarus Staghorn
3 Floyds Munsterfest
Left Hand Brewing Key Lime Pie Nitro
Urban Artifact Squeezebox
Urban Artifact Nitro Peaches And Cream
Toppling Goliath Strawberry Shortcake Fandango
New Holland Brewing Dragon’s Milk Reserve: Stroopwafel
Barrel 41 Do You Have Any Ambers?
Blake’s Hard Cider El Chavo
New Glarus Strawberry Rhubarb
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer Pineapple Mango
Raised Grain Brewing Company Paradocs Red
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer Meyer Lemon Watermelon
Central Waters Cosmic Caverns
Central Waters Tangerine NEIPA
Central Waters Octoberfest Lager
Flying Embers Cherry Lime Hibiscus Hard Kombucha
Artisanal Brew Works Warheads Blue Raspberry Sour Ale
B. Nektar Zombie Killer
WarPigs Blinding Light Show
Founders Más Agave Clásica Grapefruit
Drekker (Kings Brewing Collab) Frosé Braaaaaains – Watermelon, Guava, Lime
Stillmank Guava Juiced IPA
Downeast Cider Peach Bellini
Hidden Springs Ale Works Where’s Barb
Lion’s Tail Brewing Pucker Patch – Slushee
Mikerphone (Eagle Park Collab) The Key Lime Cheesecake Incident
Central Waters Passion For Pineapple
Goose Island Neon Beer Hug
Twisted Tea
Lulz Pink Lemonade Seltzer
Noon Whistle Good Piebrations Cherry Sour Ale
Barrel 41 Imperial Cinnamon Roll Crunch
Wild State Cider Mango
Great Notion Brewing Subharmonics
Untitled Art Juice Drops: Peach Nectaron IPA
Phase Three DDH Double Citra Creme
New Glarus Thumbprint Series Scream IIPA
Downeast Strawberry Cider
Titletown Johnny Blood Red
Birra Peroni Nastro Azzuro
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer Strawberry Kiwi
Sierra Nevada Sunny Little Thing
Eagle Park Dragon Fruit Slush
1840 Sword Ceremony
Terrapin Tequila Barrel Aged Watermelon Gose
Stillmank Wisco Hard Seltzer – Tropical Thai Teaberry
Central Waters Satin Solitude
Schöfferhofer Grapefruit Radler
Zambaldi Good Dog Porter
Warpigs Forbidden Magic
Mikerphone Slim Hazy
Collective Arts Miami Vice Pina Colada Sour
Downeast Pineapple Cider
Modern Times Orderville
Public Low Viz
Artisanal Brew Works Warheads Extreme Sour Black Cherry
Three Floyds Cocomungo
SweetWater H.A.Z.Y. IPA
Drekker Chonk Raspberry Rice Pudding
New Glarus Nectar Ale 2022
Phase Three Pixel Density
Warpigs Foggy Geezer
Untitled Art Watermelon Mango Papaya
Founders Green Zebra
Founders Centennial IPA
Founders Canadian Breakfast Stout (CBS) (2019)
Founders Canadian Breakfast Stout (CBS) (2018)
Founders Canadian Breakfast Stout (CBS) (2017)
Central Waters Toppling Waters
Toppling Golliath Toppling Waters
NICE’D HARD TEA – Raspberry
Noon Whistle Fuzzy Smack
B. Nektar Cherry Limeade
Untitled Art Chocolate Coconut Candy Stout
Untitled Art Double Mango Sour
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer – Florida Seltzer Navel Orange Yuzu
Barrel 41 Do You Have Any Ambers?
Downeast Cider Sangria
Sloop Juice Bomb
Lion’s Tail Pucker Patch Slushee
AleSmith Speedway Stout – Double Fudge Edition
Oskar Blues Double Dale’s
Milwaukee Brewing Outboard Cream Ale
Badger State Caddyshack Small Hazy Ipa
Stillmank Sip Sips
JuneShine Acai Berry Hard Kombucha
Drekker Braaaaaaaains – Mango, Strawberry, Pineapple, Coconut
Southern Tier Thick Mint
Soutern Tier Creme Brulee
Hinterland Lemon Meringue Gracie
3 Sheeps Drenched
Untitled Art Smoothier Seltzer Kumquat Mango
Oliphant Brewery Super Squishy Sour
Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA
The Brewing Projekt Puff Tart XL Raspberry Lemon
Founder 4 Giants and the Haze of Destiny
Downeast Strawberry Cider
Badger State Hard Seltzer Coconut Pineapple
3 Floyds Zombie Dust
Central Waters Dark and Stormy Ale
Crooked Stave Sour Rose
Drekker Ectogasm
Eagle Park Tiki Daves Painkiller
New on Tap:
Downeast Peach Mango
Boulevard Cinnamon Bun Ale
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer – Blackberry Agave
Equilibrium Breaking Engima
Central Waters Brewer’s Reserve 7 Layer Stout
Stubborn Brothers Bosbes Nouveau Blueberry Sour
Mikerphone You’ve Said it All
Flying Embers Black Cherry Kombucha
Founders KBS 2022
Founders KBS 2018
Ahnapee PB Hobo
Stillmank Doppelbock – Adventure Series
Stone Enjoy By 04.20.22
Bells Oberon
Young Blood Tropical Wyatt Earp
BlackStack Brewing The Lost World
Lupulin Operation CoHoperation – Drekker
New on Tap:
3 Floyds Brewing Brian Boru
Magners Original Irish Cider
Collective Arts Cherry Pie Imperial Sour
3 Floyds Chevalier Bertrand du Guesclin
New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve: Rye Barrel-Aged Stout With Cinnamon, Toasted Chilies And Vanilla
Hinterland Flanders Strawberry Coconut Cream Tart
Left Hand Black Forrest Nitro
Hinterland Cluster Fudge
Warpigs Foggy Geezer
Hinterland Packerland Pilsner
Downeast Strawberry
Appleton Beer Factory Almond Delight
Badger State Sweet Genius Dessert Series: Espresso Rye Chocolate Chip Cookie Porter
New Glarus Blueberry Cocoa Stout
Untitled Art Yuzu Raspberry Sherbet
Lupulin Sticky Puddles
Drekker Two Right Eyes
Drekker J.R.E.A.M. Chonk Yogurt Parfait
SweetWater 420 Imperial IPA
Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock
Appleton Beer Factory Millhand Hefeweizen
Eagle Park DDH Goon Juice
Badger State Tiki Tom Slushie Series: Supersonix
Untitled Art Pineapple Dragonfruit Soursop Imperial Seltzer
3 Floyds Brewing The 50 Million Dollar Man
New on Tap:
Allagash Stories Told
Artisanal Brew Works Warheads Extreme Sour Black Cherry
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer – Prickly Pear And Guava
Badger State Game Day IPA
Badger State SKI-BRW Winter Lager
Mason Ale Works/ Horus Aged Ales Huginn
Toppling Goliath Fresh Batch Series: S’mores
The Brewing Projekt Gunpowder IPA
Hinterland Nitro Luna Coffee Stout
Lion’s Tail Pineapple & Creme Slushee
Untitled Art Pixie Mix: Pixie Mix: Purple-Ade
Half Acre Galactic Double Daisy Cutter
Toppling Goliath King Sue
Cigar City Nitro Maduro Brown Ale
Half Acre Tend
B. Nektar Zombie Killer
Drekker Bomb Plop
Lion’s Tail Brewing Co. Cosmic Cloud
Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro
Eagle Park Let’s Get Tropical
Stella Artois
FiftyFifty Eclipse -Tiramisu (2021)
Untitled Art Watermelon Pineapple Lime Smoothie Seltzer
Badger State Tiki Tom Slushie Series: Singapore Sling
Downeast Blueberry Blend
Central Waters Satin Solitude
Untitled Art Sweet and Sour Tangerine IPA
Delirium Black Barrel Aged
3 Floyds Brewing Alpha Klaus
Downeast Cider Cranberry Blend
Southern Tier 2XMAS
Mikerphone Solo
Eagle Park Raspberry Puree
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer – Florida Seltzer Navel Orange Yuzu
Lagunitas Contents Under Fresher (2021)
New Glarus Fat Squirrel
Destihl Wild Sour Series: Margarita Gose
Stella Artois
3 Floyds Cherry Canis Invertus
3 Floyds Munsterfest
Central Waters Unsettled
Blake’s El Chavo Cider
Hinterland Grand Cru 22
Stubborn Brothers Blackberry Jam
3 Floyds Gumballhead
Twisted Tea
New on Tap:
Toppling Goliath Pseudo Sue
Barrier Brewing Copernicus (Nitro)
Untitled Art & Angry Chair Midnight Toffee Stout
Deschutes Neon Daydream
Cider Boys Grape Stomp
WarPigs Foggy Geezer
Alaskan Amber
Cascade Framboise Northwest
Drekker CHONK Birthday Cake
O’so Infectious Groove
Founders Solid Gold
Hinterland Call Me Charlene
Boulevard Stuff of Legend
FiftyFifty Eclipse – German Chocolate Cake
Jester King Cherry Grisette
Downeast Cider Blackberry
Blake’s Caramel Apple
Founders All Day IPA
Sixpoint Master Blend
Keweenaw Widow Maker Black Ale
M.I.A. Beer Co. HRD WTR (BlueBerry)
New Belgium La Folie
Lion’s Tail Pineapple, Mango and Banana Slushee
Lion’s Tail Brewing Co. Juice Cloud
Founders Nitro Breakfast Stout
Mason Ale Works Nonsense Fuel
Appleton Beer Factory Bernie’s Brau
Ology Brewing Company Prismatic Passion
Central Waters Brewer’s Reserve Bourbon Barrel Barleywine (2017)
Lion’s Tail Blue Pom & Cherry Slushee
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer – Blackberry Agave
JuneShine Acai Berry Hard Kombucha
3 Sheeps The Wolf
Stone Liquid Poem Double IPA
Untitled Art Imperial Seltzer: Mango Strawberry Lemonade
Copper State Sun Soaked (Nitro)
Hinterland Temporary Vacation
Badger State Tiki Tom Slushee Series: Beermosa
New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve – Salted Caramel
The Brewing Projekt Obtain Intellect
Equilibrium Half Full
Central Waters Brewer’s Reserve Bourbon Pecan Kringle Stout
Central Waters Rye Barrel Chocolate Porter
Hinterland Jamaican Haze IPA
Hinterland Packerland Pilsner
Lexington Brewing Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Strawberry Ale
Drekker Ectogasm
Lupulin DDH Straight Hash Homie
Blake’s Apple Pie
Avery Rumpkin
O’so Nitro O-toberfest
Ahnapee Cherry Mechanic
Southern Tier Blackwater Series: Warlock
Toppling Goliath Pineapple Papaya Fandango
Central Waters Octoberfest Lager
Central Waters DDH NEIPA
Hinterland Oktoberfest
Point Whole Hog Pumpkin Ale
Untitled Art Strawberry Rhubarb Sour
The Fermentorium Oktoberfest
New Glarus Staghorn Octoberfest Beer
Founders KBS Maple Mackinac Fudge
Appleton Beer Factory Oktoberfest
Southern Tier Nitro S’mores
Rekorderlig Premium Strawberry-Lime Cider
Badger State Cirrusly Cloudy
Downeast Cider Pumpkin Blend
Central Waters Mango Milkshake
Central Waters Salty Dog
Hinterland Paczki Imperial Stout
Untitled Art Blueberry Banana Smoothie Seltzer
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer – Pineapple Mango
Blake’s El Chavo Cider
St. Bernardus Abt 12
Lion’s Tail Orange Dream Milkshake
Alltech Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale
Titletown Johnny Blood Red Ale (JBR)
18th Street Brewery Fruit Punch Seltzer
Oso Infectious Groove
Ahnapee Oktoberfest
Titletown Kurty’s Hop Monster
More Brewing DDH Double Space Boots
Revolution Oktoberfest
Tripping Animals Brain Boi And the Tumb
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger V2K IPA
Ace Pineapple Cider
McFleshman’s Scallywag
Wild Ohio Blueberry Wild Tea Beer
Badger State Caddyshack Small Hazy Ipa
Badger State Pilot Series Mother Goose Double Hazy IPA
Hinterland Strawberry Wheat
Hinterland Packerland Pilsner
Half Acre Lager Town (Octoberfest)
Hinterland Call Me Charlene
Central Waters Duncan
Central Waters Octoberfest Lager
Founders Backwoods Bastard
Eagle Park Rocket Pop Slush
Left Hand Flamingo Dreams Nitro
Ahnapee Session Smores Nitro
3 Floyds Secret Savages
Untitled Art Prickly Pear and Guava Seltzer
Untitled Art Painkiller Imperial Seltzer
Appleton Beer Factory Florida Man Blood Orange IPA
Prairie Artisan Ales Rainbow Sherbet
Terrapin Luau Krunkles IPA
Ciderboys Tropical Wave
Octopi Barrel-Aged Belgian Chocolate Toffee Vanilla Stout
Maine Beer Lunch
Hinterland Door County Cherry Wheat
Untitled Art Apricot Cream Imperial Seltzer
Eagle Park Watermelon Lime Sour
New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve: Double Bourbon Barrel-Aged Stout With Madagascar & Indonesian Vanilla Beans
Lagunitas Hazy Wonder
New Glarus Lots O’ Peach 21
Collective Arts Mai Tai Sour
Founders Dirty Bastard
Downeast Cider Strawberry
Downeast Cider Blackberry
Central Waters Illumination Double IPA
Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier
Old Nation M-43 N.E. India Pale Ale
Bent Paddle Wilderness Tuxedo: P.O.G.
Oskar Blues Guava Rodeo
Downeast Strawberry
Untitled Art Vanilla Blackberry Lime Imperial Hard Seltzer
The Bruery Bakery Cherry Pie
Twisted Tea Hard Iced Tea
Aslin Waiting
Central Waters Honey Blonde
Untitled Art Raspberry Mango Vanilla Smoothie Seltzer
Drekker Never Have I Ever
Offshoot Retreat [This Is A Hazy Double IPA]
Surly Hell
Indeed Lucy Session Sour
Lagunitas IPA
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer Strawberry Kiwi
McFleshman’s Stones Throw Irish Red Ale
WarPigs Bouffant Jellyfish
Odell Sippin Pretty
Third Space Frog Weiss
Hinterland For Fruits Sake…
Hinterland Citra Pale Ale
Hinterland Jamaican Haze IPA
Flying Embers Black Cherry Hard Kombucha
Untitled Art Juicy IPA
Lupulin Brewing Tropical Fun Pants
B. Nektar Zombie Killer
Ciderboys Raspberry Smash
Ahnapee Peach Mechanic
3 Sheeps Steppin’ Out
Saugatuck Blueberry Lemonade Shandy
Three Floyds Apocalypse Cow
SweetWater 420 Extra Pale Ale
Untitled Art Florida Seltzer Blood Orange & Pomegranate
Twisted Tea Hard Iced Tea
Blake’s Rainbow Seeker
Equilibrium Wavelength
Central Waters Tangerine Dreams
Central Waters Cassian Sunset (2018)
Central Waters Cassian Sunset (2021)
Eagle Park Lucky Milkshake IPA
Founders Backstage Series # 1: Blushing Monk
Founders Más Agave Premium Hard Seltzer Strawberry
Boulevard Ginger Lemon Radler in cans
New Glarus Cabin Fever
Central Waters Mud Puppy Porter
Prairie Artisan Ales Slush
McFleshman’s Things We Don’t Say IPA
Untitled Art Barrel Aged Fudgesicle Stout
Stillmank Guava Juiced Session IPA
Appleton Beer Factory Juicy McJuice Face
Lakefront Raspberry Nimbus
Central Waters Tropical Face Punch
Central Waters Unsettled
Blake’s El Chavo
Founders Dirty Bastard
Fox River Brewing Company Blu Bobber
Zambaldi Berry Air
Untitled Art Pixie Mix: Orange Lavasplash
Downeast Pear Cider